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Special Issue: Innovations in Climate Policy: The Politics of Invention, Diffusion and Evaluation

Jordan, Andrew, Dave Huitema (editors). 2014. Special Issue: Innovations in Climate Policy: The Politics of Invention, Diffusion and Evaluation. Environmental Politics, 23(5): 715-925.


A special issue comprising ten new papers (four of them Gold ‘Open Access’) explore the governance of climate change from a fresh perspective.

Governance gaps are arising from the struggle to seal the deal on a comprehensive new international agreement. But failure at the international level should not, the authors argue, be confused with a lack of innovation at national and sub-national levels. Policy innovation in these domains should, however, be analysed holistically, in terms of invention, diffusion and evaluation. The challenges that arise from doing so are systematically explored against studies of policy innovation dynamics in relation to feed in tariffs, emissions trading and adaptation partnerships etc.

It is the first output of a 4 year COST network (INOGOV, 2014-8) which inter alia funds workshops, open access publishing and visiting fellowships on similar themes. For further information:; 

Table of Contents

Jordan, Andrew, Dave Huitema. 2014. Innovations in climate policy: the politics of invention, diffusion, and evaluation. Environmental Politics, 23(5):715-734.

Voß, Jan-Peter, Arno Simons. 2014. Instrument constituencies and the supply side of policy innovation: the social life of emissions trading. Environmental Politics, 23(5):735-754.

Jacobs, David. 2014. Policy invention as evolutionary tinkering and codification: the emergence of feed-in tariffs for renewable electricity. Environmental Politics, 23(5):755-773.

Upham, Paul, Paula Kivimaa, Per Mickwitz, Kerstin Åstrand. 2014. Climate policy innovation: a sociotechnical transitions perspective. Environmental Politics, 23(5):774-794.

Matisoff, Daniel C., Jason Edwards. 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5):795-817.

Bauer, Anja, Reinhard Steurer. 2014. Innovation in climate adaptation policy: are regional partnerships catalysts or talking shops? Environmental Politics, 23(5):818-838

Hildén, Mikael. 2014. Evaluation, assessment, and policy innovation: exploring the links in relation to emissions trading. Environmental Politics, 23(5):839-859.

Schaffrin, André, Sebastian Sewerin, Sibylle Seubert. 2014. The innovativeness of national policy portfolios – climate policy change in Austria, Germany, and the UK. Environmental Politics, 23(5):860-883.

Hildén, Mikael, Andrew Jordan, Tim Rayner. 2014. Climate policy innovation: developing an evaluation perspective. Environmental Politics, 23(5):884-905.

Jordan, Andrew, Dave Huitema. 2014. Innovations in climate policy: conclusions and new directions. Environmental Politics, 23(5):906-925.

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