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Registration Information

Registration Information

All annual Earth System Governance Conferences only seek to recover costs for organizing the Conference and do not seek to generate profit. No association fees are taken out in connection to the Conference.

Registration takes place on the Conference Portal, ConfTool, the same online platform as the abstract submission and review processes. If you have submitted an abstract and/or reviewed abstracts for the conference, you will need to use the same login information that you used for that purpose.

Fee structure

Two different tickets are available for those interested in participating in the conference: Full Registration and Virtual Registration. Prices are also segmented depending on the time of completing the registration.

For the registration tickets, all the prices are listed in Canadian Dollars and include 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) which is applicable in Canada.

Full Registration Virtual Registration
Canadian $ Canadian $
Early-bird regular ( Opening – 1 June ) 420 90
Early-bird reduced* ( Opening – 1 June ) 295 60
Early-bird co-hosts** ( Opening – 1 June ) 335 75
Regular (2 June – 1 Sep )
Deadline to register for presenting authors: 1 September
520 115
Reduced* (2 June – 1 Sep )
 Deadline to register for presenting authors: 1 September
360 80
Co-hosts** (2 June – 1 Sep )
 Deadline to register for presenting authors: 1 September
420 90
Late regular (2 Sep – 21 Oct ) 650 140
Late reduced* (2 Sep – 21 Oct ) 460 100
Late co-hosts** (2 Sep – 21 Oct ) 520 115
Early Career Events 60 Not available

Please note that an additional fee applies for the Early Career Events – Living Library (October 20th) and Breakfast (October 21st).

Important to note:

* Eligible for the reduced fee are students (graduate and PhD) and participants from lower-income countries. During the registration process students must upload  a document, such as a student ID or letter of supervisor/university, stating that the student is currently enrolled at a college or university. Eligibility for the reduced fee for lower-income country participants is determined by the country of residence in a low, lower-middle, or upper-middle income economy according to World Bank classification 2020-2021 (i.e. eligibility is based on country of residence, not on citizenship).

** Eligible for the co-host fee are staff members of the co-hosting institutions of the conference.

Terms of Registration

  • Registration to the 2022 Toronto Conference is complete only when full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of the registration (but not later than 7 days before the starting day of the event). To benefit from the reduced fees for early registrations, you need to complete your registration and pay the registration fee before 1 June 2022
  • To ensure coherence of the programme and continuing discussions, the conference does not offer day registration.
  • The Conference program, including preliminary allocations of papers into panel sessions may change.
  • The Conference organizers are entitled to postpone or cancel the on-site attendance of the conference in case of force majeure. Force majeure would mean any circumstance that is independent of the will of the Conference organizers, even if this was already foreseeable at the time of registration by the participant at the conference – which requires the Conference Organizers to postpone or cancel the conference, such as but not exclusively, the consequences of the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In case of the event’s cancellation, participants are partially entitled to a refund of the registration fee payment with a deduction of 25% for banking and administrative costs. The Conference organizers are not further liable for other costs incurred by the participants such as hotel, travel costs, etc. In case of postponement of the Conference, registrations remain valid.
  • If registered participants wish to cancel their registration before 1st September 2022, the Conference organizers will repay the registration fee with a deduction of 25% for banking and administrative costs. After 1 September 2022, the registration fee is non-refundable.

Payment Methods

The registration fee can be paid via PayPal, credit card or invoice. Credit card payments can be completed by selecting the PayPal payment link and following the steps:

Fill in your email address on the PayPal payment page, a new page will open and will allow you to insert your credit card details– PayPal requires you to create a buyer account in order to finalize your credit card payment. To do this you need to fill in your email and password in the last section of the payment page. Please note: this is a PayPal general setup.

Please select the invoice payment link if you wish to pay via bank transfer. If the payment is made from a bank account with a different account holder, please indicate your name and surname or your registration ID in the description of the payment, in order to link the transaction to the registration.

If you have questions/issues with the payment, please don’t hesitate to contact the Conference Team at

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2021 opening plenary of #ESG2021

Karen O’Brien at the 2021 Conference for Earth System Governance. The official opening session of the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance was hosted at the conference venue and streamed live to virtual attendees.

Introduction by the conference chair: Professor Tatiana Kluvánková (SlovakGlobe at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Slovak University of Technology, and CETIP – Earth System Governance Research Centre)

Earth System Governance International Project Office

If you have any questions about the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, you can reach out to our international project office. We will get back to you regarding your questions within a few working days.


Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands