Virtual Town Hall Meeting 5 September
The Earth System Governance International Project Office are happy to invite all members – and in particular Research Fellows – of the Earth System Governance Project to the first ever Virtual Town Hall Meeting on September 5th at UTC 06.00 and 16.00 (two meetings to cover all time zones).
The meeting will be held via GoToMeeting and will be open to all kinds of questions and discussions around current activities such as the new Science Plan, the Harvesting Initiative and the 2018 Utrecht Conference.
The Town Hall will start with an introduction by Executive Director Ruben Zondervan.
You will also ‘meet’ Chair of Scientific Steering Committee, Frank Biermann, as well as representatives from the New Directions Initiative and the Coordinating Lead Authors. Also joining the meetings will be the 2018 Utrecht Conference Manager and Regional Research Fellow Coordinator for Europe, Sandra van der Hel, as well as Network Coordinator, Charlotta Kjöllerström. All will be prepared to participate in discussions and answer any questions you might have on current activities.
Town Hall Agenda
- Opening and introduction by Ruben Zondervan
- Questions, comments and discussions
- Closing by Frank Biermann and Ruben Zondervan
How is this meeting organized?
- All participants are asked to write down your questions or comments (bullet points are OK) and send them in the chat box. If you know who you would like to direct your question to, please mention name in the message. If not, the moderator will choose recipient. If clarifications are needed, you will be asked by the moderator to elaborate on your bullet point question.
- The panel will reply to questions and comments in person via microphone.
- ALL participants are asked to mute your microphones when not speaking.
- The meeting will be maximum two hours long.
How do I join the meeting at UTC 06.00?
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone on this link:
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 408082245@
First GoToMeeting? Let’s do a quick system check:
How do I join the meeting at UTC 16.00?
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone on this link:
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 459605301@
First GoToMeeting? Let’s do a quick system check:
Please contact Charlotta Kjöllerström if you would like to dial in using your phone. charlotta.kjollerstrom[at]