Workshops/ Seminars/ Lectures (2010-2017)
The Earth System Governance Project organizes, endorses, and provides teaching at summer schools and capacity building events and programmes. Members of the Scientific Steering Committee and staff of the International Project Office also give guest lectures around the world. This page provides an overview of workshops, seminars and lectures from 2010 to 2017.
- PhD Course: “Global Environmental Governance Today – Actors, Institution, Complexity”, 16 – 20 October 2017, Lund, Sweden. Organised by the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and financed by ClimBEco of Lund University and University of Gothenburg, and endorsed by the Earth System Governance Project.
- Masterclass: “Governing Complexity for Sustainability in the Anthropocene”, 19 May 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Organised by the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University with support from the Earth System Governance Project and the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE).
- Earth System Governance Research Fellow Trip Europe, 28 March – 4 April 2017. The trip included local Earth System Governance Meetings at Utrecht University, the German Development Institute (DIE), Potsdam University and Lund University.
- International Conference: “The Social Sciences, Good Governance and Sustainable Development Goals”, 14 – 15 April 2016, Accra, Ghana. Organised by the School of Social Sciences at the University of Ghana and endorsed by the Earth System Governance Project.
- Masterclass: “The Anthropocene. Anything new under the sun?”, 30 September – 1 October 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Organised by the Amsterdam Laboratory on Earth System Governance, and supported by the SENSE research school and the Earth System Governance Project.
- Seminar: “Earth System Governance”, weekly meetings held from 3 April 2014, at the Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam. Organised by the Amsterdam Laboratory on Earth System Governance, these were research seminars hosted by the IVM section Environmental Policy Analysis. These seminars resumed in 2017.
- Workshop: “Climate change – good governance”, 22 – 23 September 2013, Accra, Ghana. Hosted by the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana, and co-organised by START and the Earth System Governance Project.
- Lectures: “Environment, Development & Evolving Multi-Level Governance”, 5 February – 15 May 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. University of Amsterdam IDS Lecture Series.
- Workshop: “Climate Change Governance in the Asia-Pacific Region: Agency, Accountability and Adaptiveness”, 14 – 16 March 2012, Canberra, Australia. Organised by the Climate and Environmental Governance Network and the Earth System Governance Project with sponsorships from the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research and the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.
- Seminar: “A meeting point for Swedish scientists, stakeholders, and Global Environmental Change Research”, 25 November 2010, Lund, Sweden. Organised bySSEESS and the Earth System Governance Research Centre.
- PhD Training School: “Global Environmental Governance: The Multi-Disciplinary Approach”, 27 -30 September 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania. Organised by the COST Action on Transformation of Global Environmental Governance, an affiliated project of the Earth System Governance Project.
- PhD course: “Water Governance”, 18 – 23 October 2010, Lund, Sweden. Organised by Lund University Centre of Excellence for the Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability, an affiliated project of the Earth System Governance Project.