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Mairon G. Bastos Lima


Mairon G. Bastos Lima is a Research Fellow at SEI Headquarters and research coordinator for the Transparency for Sustainable Economies (Trase) initiative.

His work assesses leverage points, institutional innovations, and sustainability transitions in the context of land use and agri-food systems, particularly in tropical countries such as Brazil and Indonesia.

Prior to joining SEI, Mairon worked as a consultant and postdoctoral researcher at Wageningen University (Netherlands) and the Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). His research has addressed a range of agriculture and land use issues in developing countries as well as at the international level, including leakage in environmental governance, SDGs’ synergies and politics, climate-smart agriculture, and landscape approaches.

Mairon has collaborated over the years with the UNDP and the UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) on social equity dimensions of sustainability. He has published extensively on inclusiveness, sustainable food security, agriculture & tropical deforestation, renewable energy in the context of rural development, and the bioeconomy.

He holds degrees from the Federal University of Paraná (BSc, 2004), the Federal University of Minas Gerais (post-graduate diploma, 2005), the University of Waterloo (MES, 2008), and the VU University Amsterdam (PhD, 2014).

Agri-good governanceBioeconomyfood securitySustainable supply chainsTropical deforestation

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