Meet the network
Research Fellows of the project contribute to the intellectual vibrancy and impact of earth system governance research. The network seeks to support an inclusive approach to research with equity, diversity, dialogue, critical reflection, and pluralism as key principles.
The network includes over 500 research fellows. In 2021, this grew by 53 Research Fellows and 7 Senior Research Fellows. These new research fellows alone joined from 26 countries.
Scientific Steering Committee
The Earth System Governance Project operates under the direction of a Scientific Steering Committee, whose members and their profiles are visible below.
Please read more here about the role and ways of working of the Scientific Steering Committee.
University of Bath, United Kingdom
Scientific Steering CommitteeSenior Research Fellows
Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ebony State, Nigeria
Lead FacultyScientific Steering Committee
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Scientific Steering CommitteeSenior Research Fellows
Radboud University, the Netherlands and University of Brasilia, Brazil
Lead FacultyScientific Steering Committee
Lead Faculty
The Earth System Governance Lead Faculty is a small group of scientists of highest international reputation who take (shared) responsibility for the development of research on particular analytical problems or crosscutting themes. Members are invited by the Scientific Steering Committee taking into account academic criteria while striving for a geographical, disciplinary, and gender balance.
Radboud University, the Netherlands and University of Brasilia, Brazil
Lead FacultyScientific Steering Committee
Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ebony State, Nigeria
Lead FacultyScientific Steering Committee
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI), France
Lead Faculty
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lead Faculty
SLOVAKGLOBe, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
Lead Faculty
Senior Research Fellows
Senior Research Fellows are experienced scientists and faculty members who seek to link their own research projects with the broader themes and questions of earth system governance.
Through a bottom-up, dynamic, and active network, senior research fellows and research fellows collaborate on research, debate ideas and disseminate information on relevant events and opportunities in the field.
Apply here.
School of Management Fribourg, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Switzerland
Senior Research Fellows
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Japan
Senior Research Fellows
Senior Research Fellows
Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, Australia
Senior Research Fellows
Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University , Australia
Senior Research Fellows
Senior Research Fellows
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America
Senior Research Fellows
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Senior Research Fellows
University of Bath, United Kingdom
Scientific Steering CommitteeSenior Research Fellows
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
Senior Research Fellows
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Scientific Steering CommitteeSenior Research Fellows
University of Colorado at Boulder, United States of America
Senior Research Fellows
Research Fellows
Research Fellows are early to mid-level career scientists who seek to link their own research projects with the broader themes and questions of earth system governance.
Through a bottom-up, dynamic, and active network, senior research fellows and research fellows collaborate on research, debate ideas and disseminate information on relevant events and opportunities in the field.
Research Fellows
Research Fellows
UCD Centre for Sustainable Development, University College Dublin, Ireland
Research Fellows
The University of Tokyo, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
Research Fellows
Universidad Rosario Castellanos, Mexico City, Mexico
Research Fellows
Stockholm University, Sweden, Institute for Futures Studies, Sweden
Research Fellows
EPFL Space Center, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
Research Fellows
University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), Ghana
Early Career CommitteeResearch Fellows
University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering // Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment, Portugal
Research Fellows
Research Fellows