I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Stockholm University and the Institute for Futures Studies, Sweden. I hold a PhD in Political Science from Uppsala University, a MA in European Culture and Economy (ECUE) from Ruhr-University Bochum (examinated at Gothenburg University), and a BA from Mannheim University.
In my PhD thesis, I change and progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) from a political science perspective. In particular, I looked at when, why and how international environmental regimes (Hyogo Framework, Sendai Framework) have affected national decision- and policy-making.
In the international research project Transformative Partnerships 2030 (www.transform2030.se), my current research focuses on the effectiveness of multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development.
A future research project, I am engaged with will investigate the implementation of the EU Green Deal.
In addition to his involvement in Earth System Governance and the SDG Taskforce, I am an alum and research fellow of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (www.cnds.se).
Peer-reviewed publications:
Change in policy regimes for disaster risk reduction in Fiji and Nepal. Int Journal of DRR 77, 103030 (2022).
The effectiveness of soft law in international environmental regimes: participation and compliance in the Hyogo Framework for Action. Int Environ Agreements 21, 113–132 (2021).
Drivers of Change in National Disaster Governance under the Hyogo Framework for Action. Politics & Governance 8(4), 256-269 (2020).