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Nicolas Jager is an assistant professor for the governance of sustainability transformations with the public administration and policy group at Wageningen University. His expertise lies in: The governance of sustainability transformations of interlinked institutional, infrastructural and environmental systems, with a specific focus on dynamics of climate adaptation policy stagnation and lock-in; the analysis of policy and governance arrangements in the face of complex sustainability problems in the areas of water, food and agriculture, biodiversity, and climate change, and in particular at the intersection between these (e.g., water-food-energy nexus); scalar and multilevel dynamics in the governance of polycentric and boundary-crossing environmental resource systems at the international and regional level; and the environmental and societal impacts of public participation and collaborative governance, including the environmental effects of ‘democratic innovations’ of citizen participation. Furthermore, he has a vital interest in social science research methods. In the Earth System Governance network, Nicolas Jager is member of the task force on Knowledge Cumulation.

collaborative governanceinstitutional change and stasisleverage pointslock-in

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