Janto S. Hess holds a PhD from the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) at University College London (UCL) and works as a consultant for development organisations to support countries in climate change adaptation planning processes and mobilising climate finance. His research interest is exploring the link between tourism and climate change, with a specific focus on the role of the private sector in adaptation and its finance. Janto believes that his practical experiences of working together with development organisations, politicians, researchers, and industry stakeholders at various levels enriches his scientific understanding of differing realities.
Selected publications
Scientific publications (peer-reviewed):
Hess, J. S., Dodds, R., Kelman, I. (2021). Assessing accommodation suppliers’ perceptions of climate change adaptation action on Koh Phi Phi, Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal for Tourism. https://doi.org/10.5614/ajht.2021.19.1.01
Aime, T., Kind, C., Hess, J. S., Mugisha, R., Bizoza, A.R. (2019). Estimating damage costs of flooding on small- and medium-sized enterprises in Kigali, Rwanda. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies.
Hess, J. S. & Kelman, I. (2017). Tourism Industry Financing of Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Potential in Small Island Developing States. Climate, Disaster, and Development Journal.
Hess, J.S., Pauw, P., Papyrakis, E. (2015). Can the tourism industry contribute to international adaptation finance? German Development Institute (DIE-GDI), Bonn.
Book chapter:
Hess, Janto S. (2019). Thailand: Too popular for its own good, in: Dodds, R., Butler, R. (Eds.), Overtourism: Issues, Realities, and Solutions, De Guyer Studies on Tourism. De Guyer, Munich.
Becken, S., Hess, J.S., Scott, D., Wisansing, J., (2019). Climate change risk assessment for Thailand’s tourism sector. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bangkok.
Becken, S., Hess, J.S., Wisansing, J., (2019). Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into tourism policy in Thailand. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bangkok.
Hess, Janto S. (2015). Promotion of Green Economic Development (ProGED) Interventions on Bantayan Island: October 2013 – February 2015. Consultancy Report. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Cebu.
Other publications:
Hess, J.S., Bui Viet, H., Binh, M.B. (2021). Vulnerability and risk assessments of Viet Nam’s agriculture sectors. Case Study. Hanoi, Viet Nam, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Hess, J.S., Deewaja, B., Sitathani, K., Saenghkaew, L., Damen, B. (2020). Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Thailand Case Study. Bangkok, Thailand, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Phan, G.H. & Hess, J.S. (2020). The way forward for agriculture sector development and adaptation planning in Viet Nam in light of COVID-19 impacts. UNDP Climate Change Adaptation. Published on: https://www.adaptation-undp.org.
Dasgupta, S. & Hess, J.S. (2020). Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Viet Nam Case Study. Bangkok, Thailand, Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO).
Kind, C., Hess, J. S., Aime, T. (2016). Improving Flood-Resilience of Small Businesses in Kigali: Findings and recommendations from a research project funded by Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). Policy brief. Adelphi.
Hess, Janto S. (2016). Petersberg Climate Dialogue VII – Keeping the spirit of Paris alive? Climate-Exchange.org. Published on: http://climate-exchange.org.
Koehl, A. and Hess, J. S. (2016). Potential non-environmental benefits of the COP21 Paris Agreement. Climate-Exchange.org. Published on: http://climate-exchange.org.
Hess, Janto S. (2015). Including Tourism Enterprises to Finance Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Potential in Small Island Developing States. In O.C. Demiroglu, C.R. De Freitas, D. Scott, M.L. Kurnaz, D. Unalan, editors. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Climate, Tourism, and Recreation – CCTR2015. 17-19 September 2015. Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-9178-18-1.
Hess, Janto S. (2014). The adaptation finance landscape: Why adaptation finance should be additional to traditional aid. Climate-Exchange.org. Published on: http://climate-exchange.org.
Hess, Janto S. (2014). Including Tourism Enterprises to Finance Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Potential in Small Island Developing States. Thesis project. University of East Anglia (UEA).
Hess, Janto S. (2014). REDD+: Limitations and potentials in saving tropical forests. Climate-Exchange.org. Published on: http://climate-exchange.org.
Hess, Janto S. (2012). Adapting the Cambodian Tourism Sector to Climate Change: Needs and Challenges. Tourism Watch, Bread for the World – Church Development Service. Published on: http://www.tourism-watch.de/node/1888.