Professor Carl Folke is Director of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and founder and Science Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Since the mid-1980s he has broken new grounds in understanding the dynamic interplay of humans and nature, of economy and ecology, and developed research on social-ecological systems and resilience thinking from management and stewardship of ecosystem services in the seas and on the land to global sustainability. Carl is member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Selected Publication:
- Folke, C., R. Biggs, A.V. Norström, B. Reyers, and J. Rockström. 2016. Social-Ecological Resilience and Biosphere-Based Sustainability Science. Ecology and Society 21(3):41.
- Schultz, L., C. Folke, H. Österblom, and P. Olsson. 2015. Adaptive Governance, Ecosystem Management and Natural Capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112: 7369-7374.
- Biermann, F., K. Abbott, S. Andresen, K. Bäckstrand, S. Bernstein, M.M. Betsill, H. Bulkeley, B. Cashore, J. Clapp, C. Folke, A. Gupta, J. Gupta, P.M. Haas, A. Jordan, N. Kanie, T. Kluvánková-Oravská, L. Lebel, D. Liverman, J. Meadowcroft, R.B. Mitchell, P. Newell, S. Oberthür, L. Olsson, P. Pattberg, R. Sánchez-Rodríguez, H. Schroeder, A. Underdal, S. Camargo Vieira, C. Vogel, O.R. Young., A. Brock, and R. Zondervan. 2012. Navigating the Anthropocene: Improving Earth System Governance. Science 335:1306-1307.
- Folke, C., Å. Jansson, J. Rockström, P. Olsson, S.R. Carpenter, F.S. Chapin, A.-S. Crepín, G. Daily, K. Danell, J. Ebbesson, T. Elmqvist, V. Galaz, F. Moberg, M. Nilsson, H. Österblom, E. Ostrom, Å. Persson, G. Peterson, S. Polasky, W. Steffen, B. Walker, and F. Westley. 2011. Reconnecting to the Biosphere. Ambio 40:719-738. DOI 10.1007/s13280-011-0184-y
- Westley, F., P. Olsson, C. Folke, T. Homer-Dixon, H. Vredenburg, D. Loorbach, J. Thompson, M. Nilsson, E. Lambin, J. Sendzimir, B. Banarjee, V. Galaz, and S. van der Leeuw. 2011. Tipping Towards Sustainability: Emerging Pathways of Transformation. Ambio 40:762-780. DOI 10.1007/s13280-011-0186-9