Eric Hoddy is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), where he is working to support the VR-funded project, ‘From everyday resistance to transformational climate change adaptation of the urban poor’. His recent research focuses on human rights and development, leadership, and ‘transformative justice’. Eric has held positions at The University of Sheffield (Urban Studies and Planning), the University of York (Politics Department) and the WorldFish research centre, Malaysia (Natural Resources Management).
Selected publications
Hoddy, E.T., 2021. Peasants’ rights and agrarian violence in transitional settings: From transitional justice to transformative agrarian justice. Journal of Human Rights, pp.1-24.
Ensor, J. and Hoddy, E., 2021. Securing the social foundation: A rights-based approach to planetary boundaries. Earth System Governance, 7, p.100086.
Hoddy, E.T. and Ensor, J.E., 2018. Brazil’s landless movement and rights’ from below’. Journal of Rural Studies, 63, pp.74-82.