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I study environmental governance, particularly the governance of ecosystems. My research agenda includes an interest in commons, socio-ecological systems, decentralization reforms, local democracy and participation, and the solving of collective action dilemmas. I currently work – among other things- on the following research projects:

  • the role of NGOs in stimulating collective action among CPR users in India (with Clare Barnes),
  • the role of gender in developing and applying adaptation strategies in response to climate change in Ethiopia (with Azeb Assefa Mehra)
  • invasive species on the Dutch Antilles (with Jetske Vaas)
  • the development of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) systems in Bangladesh (within the NWO-UDW-1-financed Delta-MAR project), and
  • the potential of the use of sediments for the creation and goverance of new land in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta area (within the NWO-UDW-2-finance Living Polders project)

For details regarding current and past positions, skills & endorsements, on-going research projects, publications, education, and honors & awards, please refer to my LinkedIn profile page, at:

In addition, you can find a list with all my publications on Scholar Google, at:


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