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Dr. Nafiseh Jafarzadeh is the senior fellow at National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), based in Washington, DC. Prior to joining NCSE, she worked as a policy analyst at the Environmental Law Institute and as an international consultant for various institutions on issues related to resilience and fragility, sustainable development goals, environmental rule of law, and illegal wildlife trade. Previously, she was a research associate at MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and at the Center for Governance and Sustainability at UMass Boston. She served as an environmental safeguard specialist in large-scale oil sector working on environmental and social impact assessment and compliance monitoring of projects. She also has been involved in various research networks and collaborations such as the IUCN-World Commission on Environmental law, IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, IPCC, and the UN Environment for its sixth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-6) report. Nafiseh received her doctorate in international environmental law, focused on reporting and performance assessment mechanisms in environmental conventions, from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.


Recent publication:
Jafarzadeh, N. (2019) Global Assessment and Review: The Importance of a Transparency Turn in International Environmental Law, Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene (pp. 139-148). Springer Singapore,

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