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2014 Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance – Early Career Researchers Workshop

United Kingdom
Event start: 20140628
End date: 20140629

Event description

This workshop is organized by a team of Early Career Researchers, who are part of the ESG network or have a related research focus.

Workshop organizers:

Dr. Carolina Adler, ETH Zurich and ESG Regional Coordinator Europe
Ursula Flossmann-Kraus, University of East Anglia
Nina Hissen, University of East Anglia
Johanna Kentala-Lehtonen, University of Tampere and ESG Regional Coordinator Europe
James Patterson, University of Queensland

Description and Workshop Objectives:

This year´s conference of the Earth System Governance Project takes place in Norwich, UK and will be jointly hosted by the University of East Anglia and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research on behalf of the Earth System Governance Project. The Earth System Governance Project was launched in 2009 to address problems of environmental governance, focussing on five analytical themes, namely architecture, agency adaptiveness, accountability, and access and allocation. More information on the Earth System Governance Project can be found at

As part of the Earth System Governance conference, we would like to invite all Early Career Researchers (ECRs) for a one-day workshop prior to the conference aimed at building individual and collaborative capacity among ECRs to engage with the challenges of earth system governance research.

The specific objectives of the workshop are to:

  • Provide an opportunity for ECRs to meet, interact and network prior to the beginning of the conference;
  • Discuss and critically reflect on conceptual, methodological and capacity aspects of doing earth system governance research (e.g. challenges, opportunities, and strategies for ECRs);
  • Identify common research interests and future collaboration possibilities (e.g. writing an opinion piece or working paper following the workshop); and
  • Provide an opportunity for ECRs to network with senior earth system governance researchers at an evening networking event.


For the purposes of this workshop, ‘early career researchers’ are considered to be either current postgraduate researchers (e.g. PhD students) or those who have been awarded their PhD within the last 5 years. However, if you are not far outside this range and would still like to participate, please contact the organisers to discuss available options.

Workshop Format

The workshop will foster critical discussion among participants on important research-related topics, including: 1) innovative and constructive reflection on the conference themes (i.e. Access and Allocation, Transformative Pathways); 2) the Earth System Governance research framework (e.g. Agency, Architecture, Adaptiveness and Accountability etc.), 3) and what options and pathways ECRs have to influence/ facilitate change towards sustainable pathways. The workshop also encourages participants to reflect on their own experiences of engaging with cross-cutting research that goes beyond traditional concepts and methodologies, and our role as ECRs in progressing a transdisciplinary earth system governance research agenda.

The workshop will involve a World Café activity, and participants will also be given the opportunity to take their interests further, identifying possibilities for research collaboration or synthesizing the outcomes of the workshop in an opinion piece or working paper. The workshop will be facilitated by senior Earth System Governance faculty and the ECR organizing committee.

Download the Program here: ECR workshop_information sheet

How to Register

Please send a brief personal statement (max. 300 words) in either word or pdf format to, containing the following information:

  • Name
  • Current position and institutional affiliation
  • Are you presenting at the conference (talk or poster?)
  • Research interest and field
  • What is your personal interest in the workshop? (e.g. your motivations for participating, and how you hope to benefit)
  • Are there any particular questions or issues that you would like to discuss during the workshop?

Registrations are due: 15 March 2014 (NEW DEADLINE!)

The workshop is free of charge and will include refreshments. Lunch is not included, but can be purchased on campus. Numbers of the workshop are limited to 40 participants, so please register as soon as possible, as places are filling up fast!

Conference website:

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