The theme of an annual Conference on Earth System Governance had seldom seemed more apt – in 2020 we found ourselves in truly turbulent times. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance was postponed until September 2021.
The 2021 Bratislava Conference builds upon the preparations for the 2020 Bratislava Conference. Moving forward, we recognize the importance of continued knowledge advancement in Earth System Governance research, and for additional opportunity to address the turbulent times of 2020. To this end, we are launching a second intake of abstracts to complement the initial Call for Papers. The second intake of Call for Papers for the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance will close 15 February 2021.
As organizers, the Conference Team understands that on-site participation is desired by many within the Earth System Governance community, but possibilities for attendance may be limited by public health concerns or travel restrictions. Therefore, the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance will be planned as a hybrid conference, with both on-site attendance and virtual access.
We are hopeful to see you at the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance.