The Earth System Governance Project has been strongly represented at the 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IHDP Open Meeting 2009), ‘Social Challenges of Global Change’, in Bonn, Germany. Many scientific papers have been presented at the conference by members of the Earth System Governance Scientific Steering Committee, Earth System Governance Associate Faculty, and by Earth System Governance Research Fellows
In a special session on Tuesday 28 April, the IHDP Earth System Governance Project, and the pilot science projects on Integrated Risk Governance, and Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change for Sustainability have presented themselves to the participants of the IHDP Open Meeting 2009. The article Looking toward the Future – The Earth System Governance Project, outlines the Earth System Governance presence at the IHDP Open Meeting.
Back to back with the conference, the Earth System Governance Scientific Steering Committee held its second meeting.
Conference website: