The Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) at Hiroshima University will hold the inaugural Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability in the Context of Global Change from March 1-3, 2022 at Hiroshima University.
The Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability is a platform to facilitate transdisciplinary research and policy conversations on the peace-sustainability nexus. The overall goal of this conference is to facilitate inter- and trans-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration between various stakeholders working on issues related to peace, sustainability, or their nexus. Through facilitating interaction between stakeholders that focus on peace and/or sustainability, it is hoped that the conference will foster further research and practice on the peace-sustainability nexus. Students, researchers, and practitioners are invited from different disciplines and sectors to present their research and initiatives and explore new partnerships and collaborations.
The Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability 2022 is planned as an online event. After a review of the COVID-19 situation in October 2021, however, the conference may eventually be held as an in-person event or a hybrid event. At any rate, various presentation contingencies will be planned. Students, researchers, and practitioners are therefore encouraged to submit abstracts despite this uncertainty about the conference’s mode of delivery.