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Call for Authors – Special Issue on Access and Allocation


For a Special Issue on Access and Allocation, for: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics to be published in 2018/2019.

DEADLINE 13 October, 2017


Prof. Dr. Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam University)

Dr. Louis Lebel (Chiang Mai University)

The purpose of this Special Issue on Access and Allocation is to undertake an analysis of the literature on the subject over the last ten years, to harvest lessons learnt, to develop a theory of Access and Allocation, and to present the results at the final Conference of the first ten years of the programme in Bali in 2018. Access and Allocation is one of the five analytical themes (the other four being Architecture, Agency, Accountability, Adaptiveness) of the Earth System Governance project during its first decade of existence.

The Access and Allocation analytical theme was further developed (Gupta and Lebel 2010) and the Earth System Governance family of scholars worked on various aspects of access and allocation, also sometimes referred to as justice, equity, distributive issues and fairness. Beyond the Earth System Governance family of scholars, there are also a large number of scholars world-wide working on these issues.

This Special Issue aims to be as cosmopolitan as possible. The editors include a Southern scholar now working in the North (Prof. Joyeeta Gupta) and a Northern scholar working in the South (Dr. Louis Lebel). We have a preliminary list of possible scholars who could lead this exercise and we have invited them to work with us.  We also have a list of contributing authors from those who volunteered at the 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance last year.

We are now openly inviting anyone who would like to join us in this endeavour to please contact us with (a) you name and cv; (b) the area you wish to contribute to; and (c) whether you are open to being assigned to any paper. We are looking for senior and junior scholars – so if you are a young scholar do not worry if your cv is not long!! For more details contact us by 13 October. We hope to finalize the paper authors by the end of October.



Gabriel Ramirez Acevedo, Assistant to Prof. Dr. Joyeeta Gupta


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