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New book series on Cities and Global Politics of the Environment

The Earth System Governance Project announces the launch of a new book series on cities and global politics of the environment, published by Palgrave Pivot, in collaboration with the University College London, the African Centre for Cities, and the Earth System Governance Project.

Series Editors: Michele Acuto and Sofie Bouteligier, both University College London

More than half of humanity lives in cities, and by 2050 this might extend to three quarters of the world’s population. Cities now have an undeniable impact on world affairs: they constitute the hinges of the global economy, global information flows, and worldwide mobility of goods and people. Yet they also represent a formidable challenge for the 21st Century. Cities are core drivers not only of this momentous urbanisation, but also have a key impact on the environment, human security and the economy. Building on the Palgrave Pivot initiative, this series aims at capturing these pivotal implications with a particular attention to the impact of cities on global environmental politics, and with a distinctive cross-disciplinary appeal that seeks to bridge urban studies, international relations, and global governance. In particular, the series explores three themes: 

1) What is the impact of cities on the global politics of the environment? 

2) To what extent can there be talk of an emerging ‘global urban’ as a set of shared characteristics that link up cities worldwide? 

3) How do new modes of thinking through the global environmental influence of cities help us to open up traditional frames for urban and international research?

Submissions are ideally between 25,000 and 50,000 words. Authors interested in submitting a proposal are welcome to contact: Christina M. Brian, Head of Politics & International Studies, Scholarly Division (


Global Advisory Board:

Prof Neil Adger (University of Exeter)

Prof Chadwick Alger (Ohio State University)

Prof Michele Betsill (Colorado State University)

Prof Lorraine Elliott (Australian National University)

Prof Peter M. Haas (University of Massachusetts)

Prof Paul James (RMIT Melbourne)

Prof Kristine Kern (University of Potsdam)

Prof Karin Bäckstrand (Lund University)

Prof Susan Parnell (University of Cape Town)

Prof Steve Rayner (University of Oxford)

Dr Heike Schroeder (University of East Anglia)


Download the brochure of the series here (pdf).

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