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Vacancy: Associate Professor in global environmental policy assessment, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen

Read details here.

Deadline: 31 July 2016

Job description

We are looking for an established or emerging scholar in the field of global environmental policy assessment related to food and/or climate. Your research will contribute to social science debates around efficient and equitable resource use in the context of transitioning towards a low carbon, circular economy. You have an established track record developing research methodologies including (but not limited to) social-environmental indexes, agent-based modelling, scenario development and/or spatially explicit network analysis. At the same time, you have an interest in embedding these methods in social andor political scientific theoretical perspectives.

You will develop, supervise and carry out global-level high-quality research in collaboration with your own international network, as well as with colleagues at the Environmental Policy Group and Wageningen University. You will also be pro-active in acquiring funding from a mix of government, EU and private sources and publish regularly in leading international academic journals. Over the medium term, you will be supported to develop an individual research grant application to either the Dutch Innovational Research Incentives Scheme or the European Research Council.

You will contribute to a strongly internationally oriented teaching programme at Wageningen University. In the short term, you will be expected to adapt existing courses taught by the Environmental Policy Group in either the Masters of Environmental Sciences or the Masters of Climate Studies. Over the long term, opportunities will emerge to develop your own courses and contribute to the design and policy of MSc and BSc programmes at the University.

The successful candidate will proceed through the tenure track system at Wageningen University. Within a maximum of 6 years of being appointed, you are expected to reach the level of Personal Professor in your own field. You will therefore establish an internationally visible independent research line and identify where your research makes a societal impact. You will also motivate team members as a group leader and professor in your specific field.

You will also be a strong team player. The Environmental Policy Group is divided into five thematic research areas. You will contribute primarily to the food and/or climate themes, but will also be expected to collaborate with colleagues and students in the other three themes focusing on marine governance, urban transformations and environmental mobilities. Above all, you are a personable, social colleague willing to balance your personal interests with those of the group.


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