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Vacancy: Researcher at the German Development Institute (DIE)

The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is one of the leading research institutes on development policy and an Earth System Governance Research Centre. Through excellent research, policy advice and training, the Institute contributes to finding solutions to global challenges.

The department “Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management” is seeking a Researcher (m/f). Subject to final approval of funds, the position may be filled immediately and is limited until 28 February 2018.

The person will support the preparation of and follow up to the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) of the UN Convention on Climate change in Bonn by carrying out research and policy advice in the context of the research project “Klimalog – Research and dialogue for a climate-smart and just transformation”. The focus will be on climate policy at the interface to sustainable development, in particular on adaptation as well as loss and damage (L&D) in the context of the Paris climate agreement.

Read more here. Application deadline: 30 March.

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