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Research Centre Brasilia

About the Research Centre

The Research Centre Brasilia is hosted at the International Relations Institute (IREL) by University of Brasilia.

Research Centre Brasilia is linked to the research group on International System in the Anthropocene and Global Climate Change (CLIM), created in 2007 under the coordination of Professor Eduardo Viola. The group is certified by the University of Brasilia and by the Ministry of Science and Technology/CNPq (National Research Council). CLIM aims at fostering interdisciplinary research, capacity building and science-policy interface concerning three interconnected areas of sustainability governance: climate change, biodiversity/indigenous knowledge and oceans/Antarctica. The focus of Research Centre Brasilia research agenda is on multi-level interactions, mainly related to Brazil, with focus on the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, the South American Amazon and to a lesser extent, the whole South America. The Centres’ research network involves senior and young fellows from different countries and academic backgrounds through joint research and teaching projects.

The IREL at the University of Brasilia has the best graduate program in International Relations in Brazil according to the Ministry of Education/CAPES 2016 Report and a very competitive group of researchers on environmental governance. The IREL offers undergraduate and graduate programs and receives students and researchers from around the world. Recently, researchers from Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Portugal, Germany, Japan and the United States have participated in the Institute activities. Students from developing countries have the chance to apply for Brazilian scholarships through the PEC-PG Federal Program. Being close to the national decision-making Centres (Executive Power, National Congress and Regulatory Agencies for Water, Energy, Biodiversity, Forests, Oceans/Antarctica), as well as to the embassies and international organizations, gives the IR Institute a privileged position for dialogue on sustainability challenges and public policies.

Recent publications

2023 Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the Earth System Governance Project 2023 Annual Report, which highlights a year of…

Earth System Governance – Volume 22 (In Progress)

We are delighted to present the twenty-second volume of Earth System Governance, the open-access journal for all those interested in…

Earth System Governance – Volume 21

We are delighted to present the twenty-first volume of Earth System Governance, the open-access journal for all those interested in…

Earth System Governance – Volume 20

We are delighted to present the twentieth volume of Earth System Governance, the open-access journal for all those interested in…