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South-South Dialogues Event

Following up from the innovative session held during the 2022 Conference ‘Earth system governance and the Global South: an open conversation’ and a network-wide survey, further community-led efforts are being made to address research topics and concepts, didactical, methodological, and pedagogical approaches, as well as science-society interactions that are relevant in different contexts in the Global South.

On October 22nd, before the main conference’s official start, a South-South Dialogues day will be organized to build upon the research network between early career researchers (ECRs) and mid/senior scholars from and/or based in the so-called Global South in a more structured manner.

This event will also be an opportunity to tackle the Conference theme ‘Bridging Sciences and Societies for Sustainability Transformations’ in different Southern contexts.

The day will be divided into four sections: a roundtable on transformations from/with the Global South, a reflective session with break-out groups for in-depth discussions, an outdoor activity to explore sustainability transformations through the Theatre of the Oppressed, and dialogues on decolonizing academic publishing with senior editors from renowned journals.


The morning session of the event will center around networking between Early Career Researchers and Mid/Senior Researchers.

Moderated by Dhanasree Jayaram and Veronica Korber Gonçalves, the first section will include an engaging roundtable discussion with three senior scholars from the Global South. The focus will be on transformative ideas from and with the Global South, providing a platform for insightful conversations and knowledge sharing.

Guided by facilitators Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue and Thais Lemos Ribeiro, section 2 will create a space for sharing experiences and insights from the Global South. In small groups of 4-5 participants, each scholar will present a brief overview of their research. Engaging in lively debates, they will discuss key points such as institutional contexts, research topics, the influence of Northern concepts and processes, expectations, challenges, and the conference theme “Bridging Sciences and Societies for Sustainability Transformations”.


After the lunch break, Section 3 will be led by facilitators Cebuan Bliss and Veronica Korber Gonçalves. It will provide an immersive outdoor experience, exploring sustainability transformations through the dynamic medium of the Theatre of the Oppressed.

Section 4, led by Dhanasree Jayaram, will explore decolonizing academic publishing. It will feature research presentations on structural imbalances and initiate discussions on the barriers encountered by Global South scholars. Participants will collectively identify pathways for change. This section will foster collaboration between Global South scholars and senior editors from diverse academic journals, promoting the cross-pollination of ideas and creating networking opportunities. Additionally, the possibility of a special issue in the ESG Journal will be discussed.

Organizing Committee

  • Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue,
  • Dhanasree Jayaram,
  • Veronica Korber Gonçalves,
  • Matias Alejandro Franchini,
  • Maitreyee Mukherjee,
  • Thais Lemos Ribeiro,
  • Cebuan Bliss


Limited funding for researchers has been made available by conference co-hosts The German Institute of Development and Sustainability as well as the Earth System Governance Project.

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2022 opening plenary of #ESG2022

The official opening session of the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance was hosted at the conference venue and streamed live to virtual attendees.

This conference was opened by the Conference Chairs, and the Oran R. Young Prize for best early career paper was presented.

The keynote presentation was by Tzeporah Berman: “Oil Politics in a World on Fire”

Earth System Governance International Project Office

If you have any questions about the 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, you can reach out to our international project office. We will get back to you regarding your questions within a few working days.


Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands