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Welcome to the website of the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance taking place on 20-24 October in Toronto, Canada. The conference is hosted by the University of Toronto, and the University of Waterloo together with the Earth System Governance Project. This year’s conference theme is:

Governing accelerated transitions: justice, creativity, and power in a transforming world.

Conference Updates

The following are an overview of the conference days.

Day Four

Day Three

Day Two

Day One

ESG Toronto Conference Practical Information (Update 18/10/22)


Important Dates:

Submission Deadline for the Oran R. Young Prize

15 August 2022 (closed)

Full papers due:

Final Registration Deadline for Presenting Authors:

15 August 2022 (closed)

Key Programme Dates

20 & 21 October

Virtual Parallel Panels and Innovative Sessions. Onsite Early Career. Events: Living Library and Breakfast.

24th October

Taskforce Meeting Day

21–23 October

Main Conference Plenaries and Semi-Plenaries. On-site Parallel Panels and Innovative Sessions. Social Programme for On-site attendees.

The 2022 Toronto Conference will be organized around the five analytical lenses structuring the new earth system governance research agenda, as captured in the Earth System Governance 2018 Science and Implementation Plan; and a sixth stream focusing on specific issues and challenges that emerge as efforts are made to accelerate the social, political, and technological shift towards more fundamentally sustainable and inclusive social-ecological systems, societies, and polities.

The Earth System Governance Project is a longstanding global research alliance that seeks to mobilise research at the interface of global environmental change and governance, across local to global scales. The project brings together a highly interdisciplinary research community spanning disciplines such as international relations, political science, human geography, urban studies, development studies, and sustainability science, among others.

The 2022 Conference stands in a long tradition of global conferences on earth system governance, from Amsterdam (2007 and 2009) to Colorado (2011), Lund (2012 and 2017), Tokyo (2013), Norwich (2014), Canberra (2015), Nairobi (2016), Utrecht (2018), Mexico (2019) and Bratislava (2021).

News Articles

Looking back at the Toronto Conference
2022 TorontoNews
Looking back at the Toronto Conference

Amid the changing autumn leaves, scholars from across the world met up in Toronto for the Earth System Governance Conference 2022, which took place from the 20th to the 24th of October. The world continues to rapidly change, as different challenges and crises arise and are dealt with on different governance levels. The challenge for this research community is to create knowledge on how to ensure that throughout all these changes, the sustainability transition continues to advance in a just way.

Deadline extension for Oran R. Young Prize submissions
2022 Toronto
Deadline extension for Oran R. Young Prize submissions

The Oran R. Young Prize will be awarded for the best paper authored by early-career scholars…

Announcement of Keynote Speaker Tzeporah Berman
2022 Toronto
Toronto Conference schedule now available!

After the September 1st registration deadline, the conference program team set to create the schedule for…

Updates & socials


Supported by

Look back at #ESG2021

The official opening session of the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance was hosted at the conference venue and streamed live to virtual attendees and featured Professor Karen O’Brien..

Introduction by the conference chair: Professor Tatiana Kluvánková (SlovakGlobe at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Slovak University of Technology, and CETIP – Earth System Governance Research Centre)

Earth System Governance International Project Office

If you have any questions about the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, you can reach out to our international project office. We will get back to you regarding your questions within a few working days.


Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands